Tag: (S) charter of global ethic

(2015) Ethics – A global charter

Wierzbicka, Anna (2015). Karta etyki globalnej w słowach uniwersalnych [A charter of global ethics in universal words]. Teksty Drugie, 2015(4), 257-279.

Open access


The Declaration toward a global ethic adopted by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1993 and UNESCO’s Earth charter (2000) both hinge on the notion that, in this era of increasing globalization, the world needs a “charter of global ethics”. The author develops this idea, engaging with the Dalai Lama’s suggestion that the “charter of global ethics” should be translated into all the languages of the world. This goal can be achieved if the norms of global ethics are formulated in a Minimal Language based on the universal “alphabet of human thought”, which emerges from several years of empirical study on many of the world’s languages. Two versions of the author’s “charter of global ethics” are printed here – a Polish version and an English one – and it is suggested that they could act as a platform for global dialogue on ethical norms for all of humanity.

More information:

Written in Polish. Revised and translated into English as:

Wierzbicka, Anna (2018). Charter of global ethic in Minimal English. In Cliff Goddard (Ed.), Minimal English for a global world: Improved communication using fewer words (pp. 113-141). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Reprinted as:

Wierzbicka, Anna (2017). Karta etyki globalnej w słowach uniwersalnych [A charter of global ethics in universal words]. In Jerzy Bartmiński, Stanisława Niebrzegowska-Bartmińska, Marta Nowosad-Bakalarczyk, & Jadwiga Puzynina (Eds.), Etyka słowa: Wybór opracowań. Vol. 1 (pp. 523-538). Lublin: UMCS.


Research carried out by one or more experienced NSM practitioners

(2018) Ethics – A global charter

Wierzbicka, Anna (2018). Charter of global ethic in Minimal English. In Cliff Goddard (Ed.), Minimal English for a global world: Improved communication using fewer words (pp. 113-141). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-62512-6_6


Taking UNESCO’s Earth charter as its point of departure, this chapter argues that the globalizing world needs a global ethics. At the same time, the chapter builds on the Declaration toward a global ethic (1993) endorsed by the Parliament of the World’s Religions (and inspired by the Dalai Lama) whose Principle 6 reads: “This must be a Declaration translatable into other languages”. A charter of 24 ethical norms phrased in Minimal English is proposed as a platform for a global discourse on ethics.

More information:

Revised translation of a Polish original published in 2015 and again in 2017 as:

Wierzbicka, Anna (2015). Karta etyki globalnej w słowach uniwersalnych [A charter of global ethics in universal words]. Teksty Drugie, 2015(4), 257-279.

Wierzbicka, Anna (2017). Karta etyki globalnej w słowach uniwersalnych [A charter of global ethics in universal words]. In Jerzy Bartmiński, Stanisława Niebrzegowska-Bartmińska, Marta Nowosad-Bakalarczyk, & Jadwiga Puzynina (Eds.), Etyka słowa: Wybór opracowań. Vol. 1 (pp. 523-538). Lublin: UMCS.


Research carried out by one or more experienced NSM practitioners