Mulyadi (2000). Struktur semantis verba penglihatan dalam Bahasa Indonesia [The semantic structure of verbs of seeing in Indonesian]. Linguistik Indonesia, 18(2), 77-89. PDF (open access)

Written in Indonesian.

This article deals with the semantic structure of the Indonesian seeing verbs related to seeing. Using the Natural Semantic Metalanguage theory, it finds that the semantic structure of Indonesian verbs related to seeing involves a combination of the elements MELIHAT ‘see’, MERASAKAN ‘feel’, MENGETAHUI ‘know’, MENGATAKAN ‘say’, and MEMIKIRKAN ‘think’. The clusters that form are MELIHAT/MERASAKAN ‘see/feel’, MELIHAT/MENGETAHUI ‘see/know’, MELIHAT/MENGATAKAN ‘see/say’, and MELIHAT/MEMIKIRKAN ‘see/think’.

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