Tag: (E) mandheng

(2017) Javanese – Perception verbs

Setiawan, Risky Hendra (2017). Semantic analysis on Javanese perception verbs. Lantern, 6(1). PDF (open access)

Based on:

Setiawan, Risky Hendra (2016). Semantic analysis on Javanese perception verbs. BA(Hons) thesis, Diponegoro University, Semarang (Indonesia).

The use and meaning of perception verbs (i.e. verbs of seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling and touching) differs from one language to another; these verbs have their own characteristics and uniqueness. This study aims to describe the exact meaning of perception verbs in Javanese. It relies on purposive sampling to retrieve data from Javanese language dictionaries and magazines as well as on the author’s intuition as a native speaker. The prime meanings SEE, THINK, WANT, KNOW, HEAR, DO, and HAPPEN are used to explicate the meaning of each of the verbs.

Approximate application of NSM principles carried out without prior training by an experienced NSM practitioner

(2016) Javanese – Perception verbs

Setiawan, Risky Hendra (2016). Semantic analysis on Javanese perception verbs. BA(Hons) thesis, Diponegoro University, Semarang (Indonesia). PDF (open access)

Partially published as:

Setiawan, Risky Hendra (2017). Semantic analysis on Javanese perception verbs. Lantern, 6(1).

The use and meaning of perception verbs (i.e. verbs of seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling and touching) differs from one language to another; these verbs have their own characteristics and uniqueness. This study aims to describe the exact meaning of perception verbs in Javanese. It relies on purposive sampling to retrieve data from Javanese language dictionaries and magazines as well as on the author’s intuition as a native speaker. The prime meanings SEE, THINK, WANT, KNOW, HEAR, DO, and HAPPEN are used to explicate the meaning of each of the verbs.

Approximate application of NSM principles carried out without prior training by an experienced NSM practitioner