Вежбицкая, Анна [Wierzbicka, Anna] (2011). Семантические универсалии и базисные концепты [Semantic universals and basic concepts]. Москва [Moscow]: Языки славянских культуры [Languages of Slavic Culture].


This book is an anthology of papers and chapters by Anna Wierzbicka, originally published in English  and appearing here in a Russian translation. Chapter 11 may have been originally written in Russian.

Table of contents:

Семантические универсалии (Semantic universals)

1. Из введения в книгу «Семантика: примитивы и универсалии» [From the introduction to the book Semantics: Primes and universals]
2. Семантические универсалии и «примитивное мышление» [Semantic universals and “primitive thought”]
3. Прототипы и инварианты [Prototypes and invariants]
4. Приложение [Illustration; Russian versions of NSM explications for flowers, animals and apples]

Семантика грамматики (Semantics of grammar)

5. Семантическая основа грамматического описания и типология: переходность и возвратность [A semantic basis for grammatical description and typology: Transitivity and reflexives]
6. Что значит имя существительное? (или: Чем существительные отличаются по значению от прилагательных?) [What’s in a noun? (Or: How do nouns differ in meaning from adjectives?)]
7. Лексические прототипы как универсальное основание межъязыковой идентификации «частей речи» [Lexical prototypes as a universal basis for cross-linguistic identification of “parts of speech”]
8. Дело о поверхностном падеже [The case for surface case]
9. Семантическое описание падежей в терминах ЕСМ: новый анализ польского дательного падежа [Semantic description of case in NSM: A reanalysis of the Polish dative]

Ключевые темы в русской культуре и языке (Key themes in Russian culture and language)

10. Русский язык [The Russian language]
Русские культурные скрипты и их отражение в языке [Russian cultural scripts and their reflection in the language]
Судьба и предопределение [Fate and destiny]

Семантический анализ евангельских текстов (Semantic analysis of gospel texts)

13. Значение Иисусовых притч: семантический подход к Евангелиям [The meaning of Jesus’ parables: A semantic approach to the Gospels]
Как люди могут понимать чувства других, как они могут «читать» их лица? Иисус в Гефсимании [How can people understand the feelings of others, how can they “read” their faces? Jesus in Gethsemane]

More information:

Chapter 1 is a translation of: Semantics: Primes and universals (1996), chapter 1

Chapter 2 is a translation of: Semantic universals and primitive thought: The question of the psychic unity of humankind (1994)

Chapter 3 is a translation of: Semantics: Primes and universals (1996), chapter 4

Chapter 5 is a translation of: Semantics: Primes and universals (1996), chapter 14

Chapter 6 is a translation of: What’s in a noun? (Or: How do nouns differ in meaning from adjectives?) (1986)

Chapter 7 is a translation of: Lexical prototypes as a universal basis for cross-linguistic identification of “parts of speech” (2000)

Chapter 8 is a translation of: Excerpts of The case for surface case (1980)

Chapter 9 is a translation of: Case in NSM: A reanalysis of the Polish dative (2009)

Chapter 10 is a translation of: Semantics, culture, and cognition: Universal human concepts in culture-specific configurations (1992), chapter 12

Chapter 11 is a reprint of: Russian cultural scripts and their reflection in the language (2002)

Chapter 12 is a translation of: Semantics, culture, and cognition: Universal human concepts in culture-specific configurations (1992), chapter 2

Chapter 13 is a translation of: The meaning of Jesus’ parables: A semantic approach to the Gospels (1998)

Chapter 14 is a translation of: ?

See the original chapters for abstracts and links to explications and cultural scripts.


Research carried out by one or more experienced NSM practitioners