Koselak, Arkadiusz (2003). La sémantique naturelle d’Anna Wierzbicka et les enjeux interculturels [Anna Wierzbicka’s natural semantics and its intercultural stakes]. Questions de communication, 4, 83-95. DOI: 10.4000/questionsdecommunication.4611. PDF (open access)

Written in French.

This paper is an introduction to an original method of semantic analysis still relatively little-known in France. The research carried out by Anna Wierzbicka takes full account of cultural differences and allows for different aspects of human communication to be envisaged by means of a single descriptive tool – the Natural Semantic Metalanguage. The presentation is divided into two sections: the first looks at the postulates that underpin Wierzbicka’s methodology, the second provides some concrete examples.

Sound application of NSM principles carried out without prior training by an experienced NSM practitioner