Waga, Andrew Ike B. (2014). A semantic differentiation of the name marker pairs Kuya/Ate and Manong/Manang using Natural Semantic Metalanguage. BA thesis, University of the Philippines Diliman. DOCX (open access)

This undergraduate thesis uses Natural Semantic Metalanguage to semantically differentiate the name markers Kuya/Ate and Manong/Manang. The semantic explications are then compared to their literal meanings provided by the UP Diksiyonaryong Filipino. This research also investigates how gender could be a factor in one’s linguistic choices, particularly how it affects one’s use of the two name marker pairs.

This research demonstrates the validity of the use of NSM as it is able to come up with thorough semantic explications of the name markers kuya/ate and manong/manang. This study also demonstrates how one’s gender influences one’s motivations in using language, specifically in the use of name markers to address people. Through Deborah Tannen’s Difference and Dominance Approaches, this study shows how each gender has sex-specific motivations in language use.

Approximate application of NSM principles carried out without prior training by an experienced NSM practitioner